How to Translate Research Into Useful Science

The pursuit of useful scientific knowledge is a great way to change the economic, social and environmental health of the human race over time. Science is the most effective tool we have to satisfy our basic human need to know more about ourselves and our planet, as well as the universe. Science is a crucial part of our cultural heritage and provides a foundation for innovation that drives economic growth as well as sustainable living and social advancement.

In many instances however, science isn’t utilized to solve real-world problems and can sometimes be criticized as unbridled curiosity which is not geared towards the needs of society. This is usually because of disciplinary boundaries or a lack of institutional support for research applications or the fact that market forces don’t match the needs and wants of scientists and their patrons.

Furthermore, it’s easy to get lost in the minutiaes of research and lose sight of the larger picture. There are ways to ensure that the research results are a useful science. This involves recognizing inputs and engaging with potential end users and planning and integrating their involvement in the research process.

The list of interesting science topics below offers an excellent place to start to help you discover interesting ideas for your next research paper. Consider factors like feasibility and your level interest when selecting the appropriate subject for your research. Also, consult with your instructor or professor to make sure that your chosen topic is within the scope of the course.