Six Essential Best Practices for Data Security

Data security is the safeguarding of digital and physical data against unauthorised access or destruction. It is a must for all businesses as it ensures that personal information is accessible to authorized users, and is confidential, secure and untouched. It also assists in preventing the loss of important information due to an attack on the internet or a data breach. A well-designed data protection system is an amalgamation of tools that complies with these six key best practices:

Authentication is an essential part of any security strategy for data. Whether your data are at rest or in transport it is essential to ensure that only authorized users are able to access the data using credentials, such as passwords or encryption keys, or other methods of authentication like multi-factor identification (MFA) which requires the user has to provide more than one form of proof.

The business must be able to inventory the data it uses and recognize the time when sensitive data is in a particular state, such as “at rest”, “in transit” or “in use”.

It can be a challenge for businesses to keep records of sensitive information as data collection increases. It is essential to adhere to the principle of least privilege which stipulates that only the information that users require to perform their duties should be provided. By reducing permissions to the minimum, you can enhance your overall security posture and reduce bandwidth and storage costs. Your policy on data usage must also specify how data will be utilized and the consequences for any policy violation.